Job opportunities at Hall Green NNS

23 August 2023

Hall Green NNS is recruiting for two new positions.  We would be grateful if NNS partners could share these opportunities with their networks.

  • Hall Green Neighbourhood Network Impact & Communications Officer (full time)
  • Hall Green Partnership & Community Connector (Younger Adults) (20 hours per week) – The closing date for this role has now passed

Hall Green Neighbourhood Network Impact & Communications Officer

You will be responsible for stakeholder management, marketing and communications and overseeing community development activities including supporting the team with the effective gathering and sharing of information across the Hall Green Constituency in relation to older adults aged 50+ and younger adults aged 18-49 years with a long-term disability. Key responsibilities include:

  • Leading on communications and stakeholder management.
  • Leading on the design and facilitation of community development activities and consultation events/activities.
  • Supporting the NNS project manager with the administration of the Steering Group, Grants Panel, and capacity building commissioning arrangements.
  • Supporting with impact measurement and reporting.
  • Supporting the development and updating of the Hall Green NNS asset register and Connect to Support.
  • Overseeing the mapping and engagement of community groups and services.
  • Developing contacts, links and relationships between local social work teams and community assets.
  • Increasing older adults and young adults` engagement; working with others to improve access and services, identify gaps in provision, and share learning.

The closing date for applications is 15 September 2023

To download the recruitment pack and apply for this position, please visit the GreenSquareAccord website.

Hall Green Partnership & Community Connector (Younger Adults)

You will be responsible for the effective gathering and sharing of information across the Hall Green Constituency in relation to younger adults aged 18-49 years with a long-term disability. This will include:

  • Developing and updating the Hall Green NNS asset register and Connect to Support.
  • Mapping and engaging with community groups and services.
  • Developing contacts, links and relationships between local social work teams and community assets.
  • Increasing young adults` engagement; working with others to improve access and services, identify gaps in provision, and share learning.

You will work as part of a small Hall Green Constituency Team to actively promote the NNS across Hall Green through online and face-face engagement activities and events.

The closing date for applications was 7 September 2023