Younger Adults Showcase event

18 March 2024

Hall Green NNS held a ‘Younger Adults Showcase’ event on Thursday 22 February 2024 at the MAC centre in Birmingham.

This was a great event that showcased, celebrated and demonstrated the impact of the NNS grant funded projects in Hall Green for younger adults with long term health conditions or disabilities.

This was an opportunity for Hall Green NNS to showcase the amazing projects funded with performances from the Kinmos choir and St Paul’s Community Trust Creative Writing group.

It was amazing to have our Hall Green citizens taking part in the event. We feel that the visual created by our sessional artist (below) really captures the energy, inspiration, and impact our projects are having, enriching the lives of younger adults in Hall Green.

This event showed the exciting things happening in Hall Green that support people who have social and health care needs.

The keynote speech was delivered by Clenton Farquharson, CBE. Clenton spoke about his lived experience of health and social care and how he uses his knowledge, experience and energy to help people who need support to have a good life.

Below are some reflections from members of the Creative Writing group who showcased their work at the event. The audience were inspired by their amazing work.

“I felt extremely anxious and nervous especially because of how many people were in the event room. But I was grateful when I found Carmel who kindly held my hand and rook me to the table where everyone from creative writing was sitting. It took me a while to settle down. And seeing Rachel helped me because I really love her lots and Pyn helped me by holding my hand and being supportive, as was Trish. In the end I felt elated and buzzing and bursting with happiness and pride. I was super proud of everyone. Everyone did exceptionally well, especially my darling Rachel. And I got to meet some wonderful people. And a few people told me that they became teary listening to what I had written which meant a lot to me.”

“I was very nervous. I was finding it difficult to imagine myself speaking in front of all these people. I was struck by the bravery of those that were speaking before our group. I was impressed by what others had to say and inspired by Dr Clenton Farquharson. The biggest thing for me was being able to draw courage from those around me. I knew and know now that I would not have been able to speak without the safety I found amongst my friends in the writing group, Especially Pyn, Tricia and Fathiya holding my hand. I can hold that moment of courage. That vision will inspire me in the future when fear threatens.”

If you are interested in finding out more about the Younger Adults funded services and activities please do not hesitate to contact us –